To the Church in Rome |S1:E24|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric discusses key themes from the Apostle Paul's message to the Gentiles in Romans chapters 9 to 11, emphasizing the relationship between Gentile Christians and Jewish believers. He highlights Paul's emphasis on the importance of recognizing Israel's role as the recipients of God's promises and warns against arrogance or boasting among Gentile believers. The dialogue underscores the need for humility, faith, and unity between Gentile and Jewish believers, with the ultimate goal of fulfilling God's promises for both groups.

A Modern-Day Paul |S1:E23|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric recounts his unexpected journey from pursuing a career in Civil Engineering to answering a divine call to ministry. Despite initial reluctance, he became increasingly involved in church activities, eventually teaching and ministering to Jewish and Gentile believers. Drawing parallels with the apostle Paul, he explores the complexities of Jewish-Christian relations, emphasizing God's enduring love for both groups. Through personal experiences and scriptural insights, Pastor Eric highlights the interconnectedness of Gentile and Jewish believers, envisioning a unified body of Christ that embraces both identities. Ultimately, he sees the ministry as a catalyst for reconciliation and fulfilling God's prophetic plans for Israel and the nations.

The Root of Replacement Theology |S1:E22|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric tells a personal journey of faith, beginning with his earnest search for truth within the pages of the Bible. As he dives into scripture, focusing on the relationship between Christianity and Judaism, he uncovers many historical and theological complexities, including the concept of replacement theology, which asserts that the church has superseded Israel as God's chosen people. Pastor Eric critiques this ideology, arguing that it perpetuates anti-Semitism and distorts biblical truth. He draws from scriptural passages and historical content, asserting the enduring significance of Israel in God's plan for His Kingdom, advocating for unity between Jewish and Gentile believers in Christ. Ultimately, Pastor Eric emphasizes the shared responsibility of all believers to proclaim the gospel and fulfill God's purposes.

Mystery of the Olive Tree |S1:E21|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric examines the complex theological concepts discussed by the Apostle Paul in Romans 11, particularly regarding the relationship between God’s inclusion of the Gentiles and the eventual salvation of Israel. He explores the imagery of the cultivated olive tree, the mystery of Israel's partial hardening, and the role of faith in understanding God's revelation through Yeshua (Jesus). The dialogue highlights the progressive nature of God's revelation throughout history, culminating in the revelation of Yeshua as the Messiah. Pastor Eric emphasizes the necessity of faith in Yeshua for both Jews and Gentiles, ultimately pointing towards a future where all Israel will be saved through their acceptance of Yeshua as their Messiah and King.

How to Pray for Israel |S1:E20|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric guides us on how to pray for Israel and the Jewish people and outlines ways the church can provoke Israel to jealousy. He stresses the importance of praying for Israel's salvation, interceding for their redemption, and praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Additionally, he gives practical actions such as unconditional love, preaching the gospel, blessing the Jewish people materially, and honoring Jewish heritage. Pastor Eric underscores the church's role in aligning with God's prophetic plans for Israel's restoration and emphasizes the Gentiles' responsibility to support Israel's calling and provoke them to jealousy. Ultimately, Pastor Eric envisions a future where Israel and the nations are united in worshiping the God of Israel, fulfilling God's promises of inheritance for the Gentiles, and establishing His Kingdom on earth.

Mysteries of the Shofar |S1:E19|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric emphasizes the significance of the Shofar, a traditional Jewish instrument, in religious ceremonies and spiritual practices. He highlights its role during festivals, such as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, symbolizing repentance, judgment, and redemption. The Shofar's sounds, including Teruah, Shevarim, and Tekiah, carry deep spiritual meanings, evoking emotions of humility and connection with the divine. Its blasts serve as reminders of God's covenant with Israel, warnings of impending judgment, and calls for repentance. Pastor Eric shows us how the Shofar symbolizes the profound spiritual journey toward atonement and reconciliation with God.

The Fall High Holy Days and the Feast of Tabernacles |S1:E18|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric underscores the importance of understanding God's festivals, particularly in the context of His Hebrew calendar and biblical prophecies. He addresses common questions among Christians regarding the relevance of Old Testament feasts in light of the New Covenant. Emphasizing the ongoing significance of Israel's role in God's plan, Pastor Eric explains how events surrounding the Jewish people directly influence the fulfillment of biblical prophecies and the return of Christ. He examines the symbolic and prophetic meanings of the various feasts, correlating them with key events in the life of Yeshua (Jesus) and future eschatological events. The dialogue stresses the church's responsibility to align with God's prophetic timeline and participate in His restoration of Israel. Additionally, he highlights the role of Gentile believers in provoking Israel to jealousy and interceding for her, ultimately contributing to the rebuilding of God's Kingdom. Through scripture references and theological insights, Pastor Eric urges Christians to embrace God's ordained festivals as integral to His redemptive plan and to actively engage in His purposes for Israel and the nations.

Restoration of The Kingdom |S1:E17|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric explores the concept of the Kingdom of God as outlined in scripture, particularly focusing on its establishment on earth and the role of Israel in its restoration. He highlights the prophetic vision of Isaiah regarding the Kingdom, emphasizing that it will be established in Israel, with Jerusalem as its center and Yeshua (Jesus) as its king. Pastor Eric discusses differing views on the timing of the Kingdom's establishment, presenting it as both a present and future reality. He emphasizes the importance of understanding biblical prophecy, especially concerning Israel and the end times, urging believers to watch for signs of Yeshua's return. His discussion also traces the historical restoration of both Israel and the Church, pointing to key events such as the Protestant Reformation and the founding of the State of Israel. Pastor Eric stresses Jerusalem and Israel's significance in God's restoration plan, calling believers to align with God's heart for His land and people. He concludes by encouraging readiness and willingness to participate in God's end-time work, particularly concerning Israel and the nations.

The Kingdom of God |S1:E16|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric opens with a quotation from Proverbs and Matthew, emphasizing the contrast between the broad path that leads to destruction and the narrow path that leads to life. He reflects on his personal journey, initially following the worldly path but later encountering Jesus through reading the New Testament. Pastor Eric describes the transformative impact of encountering Jesus' teachings, particularly regarding the Kingdom of Heaven and the radical commitment it requires. He shares key principles of the Kingdom, emphasizing the centrality of seeking God's Kingdom above all else, humility, obedience to God's will, and the necessity of surrendering all to follow Jesus. He discusses the distinction between the Kingdom of God and the world's ideologies, urging Christians to align their lives with God's Kingdom. Pastor Eric concludes by sharing a dream symbolizing the choice between joining in earthly fellowship or following Yeshua (Jesus) into the unknown and embracing the crown of suffering. He encourages believers to pursue radical transformation, surrender, and discipleship, drawing on biblical passages to illustrate the hope and endurance of following Jesus.

Out of Nothing—Ex Nihilo |S1:E15|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric explores the concept of creation ex nihilo, emphasizing God's role as the ultimate source of existence. He challenges the notion of human independence from God, highlighting the inherent reliance on Him for life and sustenance. Pastor Eric talks about the dangers of pride and idolatry, advocating for humility and submission before God. He infers that true freedom and fulfillment are found in surrendering to God's will rather than asserting individual rights. Ultimately, Pastor Eric calls for repentance, unity, and a deep recognition of humanity's complete dependence on God for existence and salvation.

Grafted into Israel |S1:E14|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric examines the promises and blessings God bestowed upon Israel as outlined in Romans chapter nine, emphasizing Israel's significant role in God's plan. He talks about Israel's adoption as God's chosen people, their reception of God's glory, the covenants, the giving of the Law, and the priesthood. Pastor Eric clarifies that while salvation comes through faith in Yeshua alone, the eternal nature of God's law remains, with grace now offered to believers through Christ. The discussion also explores the grafting of Gentiles into Israel, symbolizing their spiritual inclusion in God's promises. Pastor Eric calls for unity between Jews and Gentiles as one new entity in Christ, aiming to advance God's kingdom and provoke Israel to jealousy through sharing the gospel.

One New Man |S1:E13|

In this House of David podcast, Pastor Eric recounts a personal journey of discovery and reconciliation between his Jewish heritage and Christian faith. He grapples with questions about the relationship between Judaism and Christianity, particularly concerning the role of Israel and the church. Through biblical study and historical reading, Pastor Eric came to understand that Christianity is deeply rooted in its Jewish foundation and that the church and Israel are intertwined in God's plan of redemption. His discussion challenges the notion of replacement theology, emphasizing the unique and irrevocable calling of the Jewish people while affirming the inclusion of Gentile believers as partakers in God's promises. Pastor Eric celebrates the unity of believers from all nations in Christ, rejecting divisions and embracing diversity within the body of Christ.