Pastor Eric Michael & Kim Teitelman
Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Pastor Eric Michael Teitelman is a Jewish follower of Jesus, Yeshua. His wife, Kim, grew up in Southern California. She is also Jewish and practices Judaism. Eric holds a pastoral ordination certificate from the Southern Baptist Convention and a staff ministerial license from the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. He is also a worship leader, videographer, and photographer.
Eric was born in Chicago to Jewish Ashkenazi parents and raised in Bat Yam, Israel, throughout his childhood. There, he attended Yeshiva Aderet, an orthodox school for rabbinical study affiliated with Bnei Akiva, the largest religious Zionist youth movement in the world.
In 2002, after reading the New Testament, Eric received Jesus, Yeshua, as His Lord and Savior. With a firm knowledge of Old and New Testament scripture and a deep understanding of Jewish culture and rabbinic writings, he brings a unique Messianic perspective to his teachings.
Pastor Eric works as a bio-vocation ministry leader overseeing the House of David Ministries—an itinerant and online Hebraic teaching, worship, and prophetic ministry focused on building the Kingdom of God by preaching the Gospel and bringing Jew and Gentile Christians together as one new man in Christ (Ephesians 2:14-16).
Gabriella Teitelman
Pastor Eric’s sister, Gabriella, is a Jewish follower of Jesus, Yeshua. In 2019, Gabriella began to feel drawn to reading the New Testament. After pondering where she could find one, she recalled the Christian Teen Bible that her brother, Eric, had sent several years earlier for her son’s Bar Mitzvah. This gift raised many eyebrows amongst their secular Jewish family. Leaving the Bible in a forgotten corner of the bookshelf, Gabriella brushed off the dust and began reading the book of Matthew.
Immediately, she felt drawn to the words and realized that this was a continuation of the Old Testament and the Jewish story. As she read, she kept thinking, “How has this been kept from the Jewish people for 2000 years?”
She began to write down thoughts, new understandings, and many questions. Pastor Eric recalls the day Gabriella called him and said, “So, I’ve been reading the New Testament, and I have some questions!” as one of the happiest days of his life. Pastor Eric had been passionately witnessing to Gabriella and his Jewish family members for almost two decades. Halfway through reading the New Testament, Gabriella’s heart was convicted of the truth, and she gave her life to Christ, Yeshua.
Today, Gabriella is a Contributing Commentator to the monthly House of David Ministries podcast. She has spent half her life in Israel and half in the United States, with much back-and-forth over the years. She currently resides in the U.S.
“The LORD bless you from Zion, He Who made heaven and earth.”