I was inside a government building with many Jewish people. Suddenly, an Arab-looking man burst through the front door with a rifle. He began shooting. One older woman was shot four times in her upper left chest. She was still alive but bleeding, and several women were attending to her. I grabbed my machine gun and went after the gunman, but he had already fled the building. I went through the lobby, looking for others, but the building was vacant.
The Earthquake and the Tsunami
I was in a house with my wife. I did not recognize the rooms and was unclear whether the house belonged to us or was a temporary dwelling. I left the house and walked until I came to a sound. There was a clear area by the water surrounded by lush vegetation, and a group of young men was playing what appeared to be a soccer game. Several older men were coaching them. Across the sound were beautiful, barren mountains. Their ball landed in the water, and one of the players went in to retrieve it. He came out of the water with a ball of mud containing a gooey duck, a clam native to the Pacific Northwest. He handed it to one of the older men, and he began to extract the neck of the clam from the mud ball. Some of the mud splattered on my white polo shirt. I watched with interest for a short while and left the area.
Rising Kings of the East
I was standing with my wife atop a hill. To our left was an older government building. It had sloped roofs and was covered with brick, with architecture from the 1970s era. Suddenly the earth split open, cutting the hill in half. Along the seam, everything disintegrated and collapsed into the earth. I left quickly as the earth began to open, but my wife would not leave. I looked back, and she disappeared into the earth with the brick building.
Written Judgments Against America
This dream came in three parts. In the first part, I heard a judgment written in heaven against America. I sought to find out what it said, and the hand of the Lord reached down and showed me a white piece of paper with words of multiple increasing judgments. It was clear. The judgments were sealed because of the sins of our nation, and no prayers would erase them.
A Chemical Weapons Attack on Our Country
I saw a security checkpoint at an airport terminal. Several men stormed the security guards and released a chemical agent, and hundreds of people were infected. I then saw another attack on a naval shipyard and heard the location; Norfolk, Virginia. The chemical agent attached itself to its victims like a giant black serpent coiled around them. Hundreds of people were infected, and there was a risk of infecting thousands more in the surrounding areas. Fear and terror fell across our nation. I then watched a Presidential Statement being made by Mr. Obama. He described the incidents with great emotion, nearly to tears. I mainly sensed fear in his voice, but the experience profoundly impacted him, and he moved with genuine compassion for the people.
The Fall of a Man
I was looking at a landscape in eastern Africa, most likely Kenya, with low rolling hills, dry savannah, brush, and scrub trees. Some men had a hot air balloon, enticing others to get into their basket. A man entered, and I could see the balloon rising from the trees. I found myself in the spirit, looking upward from inside the basket. It was amazing. We left the earth and ascended above the stratosphere. I could see billions of stars in the galaxy with remarkable clarity. There was one man principally in control of the basket. He was very evil; he was Satan. I could now see the basket far above the earth. It was a beautiful scene; the curvature of the earth below, a ring of orange and purple where the sun was reflecting off the atmosphere, and a brilliant black sky above dotted with stars.
Our Country Falling Again
I was flying in an airplane, a familiar experience, and I had a similar vision in January 2009. The plane was packed, and I was sitting near the back. Everything was dark outside. Suddenly, both engines shut off, and the aircraft rolled to the right and plummeted to the earth. I stood up and shouted: “This would be a good time to pray to Jesus!” No one responded. As the plane descended, I heard voices mocking America in the background, and they sounded demonic.
A War Involving the United States and Israel
I awoke one morning, and the power of the Holy Spirit fell upon me. I heard in my spirit that a war involving the United States and Israel would break out in the Middle East in December. I then heard in the spirit that a great storm would come to this country for three months, from January to March, and that during this storm, the Lord would pour out His spirit upon the Church, and great signs and wonders would be seen amongst God’s people.
The Lights Taken Out of the World
I was sitting in what appeared to be my apartment in Washington, D.C. I was on the bed doing work or reading. The TV was on to my left, but I was not watching it. Suddenly, the lights and TV faded out to complete darkness. I could see, hear and sense the energy drained from the entire system. I was on about the 7th floor of a tall building and went to the window to peek through the mini blinds. The whole city was in a complete blackout, and there were no lights as far as the eye could see. The sky was eerie dark grey, with very little natural light penetrating. All the buildings were covered in about four inches of frozen snow. Directly in front of me was an old steeple church building. It was also eerily dark and lifeless.
The Black Tsunami
I found myself and several other people standing at the bottom of the ocean on a smooth bed of dark grey, almost black sand. The water had disappeared. Suddenly, to the east, I saw a giant tsunami wave approaching. It stretched across the horizon as far as I could see. The power of the water had sucked up the blackish sand and had turned the wave into the same disturbing color. There was no escape, so I held my breath and prayed. The wave crashed down, and I could feel its weight upon me. Everything was now completely dark and tumultuous.
Airplanes Falling from the Sky
I was flying in a commercial plane and did not know those around me. Suddenly the plane began falling from the sky. The pilot was trying to recover, but with no success. I knew we would all be killed but I was ready to meet the Lord. To my surprise, the plane crashed on its belly and was not destroyed. People were panicking about getting out, so I opened a large window towards the back of the aircraft, and everyone disembarked without any injuries.
The Volcano Under the Shopping Mall
I was in New England driving westbound on a new road that appeared to be under construction. The gravel was down, but there was no asphalt. A construction crew was planting trees in neatly spaced square planter boxes. The boxes were covered with beautiful fall-colored leaves frozen to the ground, but something seemed off. It was summer or early fall construction season, but the ground had already frozen as if winter had set in. As I drove west, I saw rolling green hills frosted with snow. It was only September or October, but winter appeared to have returned early.