Israel, an Accident of History or God’s Miracle in the Middle East?

Gabriella Buchnik delivered an in-depth discussion on the complexities surrounding Israel, focusing on the events of October 7th and their aftermath. She outlined the brutal attack by Hamas, which included rocket barrages, mass infiltrations, and atrocities resulting in significant loss of life, destruction, and hostages. Gabriella explored the global response, marked by widespread protests and anti-Israel sentiment, juxtaposed against the historical and theological significance of Israel for the Jewish people. She addressed common misconceptions about Zionism, the legitimacy of Israel, and anti-Semitic rhetoric, emphasizing the enduring spiritual and historical connection of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland. Her discourse also challenged theological positions such as replacement theology and highlighted the importance of understanding Israel's covenantal role in biblical prophecy.

The Church and the Restoration of Israel: Students Journey - Introduction to Israel Part 4

Part 4 of The Church and the Restoration of Israel explores God's covenantal relationship with Israel and its theological and eschatological implications for the church. Central to this doctrine is the belief that Israel, as God's "firstborn son" (Amos 3:2), plays a unique and enduring role in God’s Kingdom plan. While the church and Israel have distinct roles, they are intertwined in God's redemptive narrative. The doctrine challenges Replacement Theology, affirming that Israel retains its prophetic destiny and is not replaced by the church. Historical milestones, such as the Zionist movement, the Balfour Declaration, and the reestablishment of Israel in 1948, are seen as fulfillments of biblical prophecy. Theologically, the church is called to provoke Israel to salvation (Romans 11:11) and partner in its physical and spiritual restoration (Isaiah 61:4-5). The final restoration of Israel includes the gathering of Jewish exiles from all nations (Isaiah 11:11-12) and the establishment of Christ’s Kingdom in Jerusalem (Micah 5:3). Ultimately, God’s covenant with Israel remains irrevocable, and the church is called to recognize and support His ongoing plan for Israel’s restoration and the unification of believing Jews and Gentiles in His eternal Kingdom.

10-Days and the One New Man Prayer for Israel and the Church

God’s redemptive plan for humanity is a profound and intricate story of unity and salvation, bringing together both Jews and Gentiles through Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Rooted in the covenant made with Israel, God’s promise to bless all nations is fulfilled through the inclusion of Gentiles in His divine family. The New Testament concept of the “one new man” reflects the breaking down of divisions between Jews and Gentiles, reconciling them both to God and to each other. This unity is central to God’s plan, where the Church, made up of believers from all nations, shares in the blessings given to Israel, and works together to proclaim the gospel and fulfill God’s redemptive purposes. The Church’s role is not to replace Israel, but to stand alongside her, as both await the full restoration of Israel and the ultimate realization of God’s kingdom.

God on Trial: Slavery in the Bible

God on Trial: Slavery in the Bible

The question "Is God a moral monster?" arises from debates about ancient Israel's slavery laws and their implications for the moral character of God. Critics argue that the Bible's laws on slavery, as found in texts like Leviticus and Exodus, depict a moral framework that seems unjust by modern standards, particularly in how they address slavery and the treatment of servants. Defenders of the biblical account argue that these laws were a step forward in their historical context, meant to mitigate and regulate slavery rather than endorse it as an ideal.

All About the Red Heifers in Israel

All About the  Red Heifers in Israel

Shabbat Parah falls in the second half of the month of Adar, preceding Passover, and is dedicated to reviewing the laws of ritual purity necessary for bringing the Passover offering. The Torah portion dealing with the Red Heifer (Parah Adumah) is read on this Shabbat. The Red Heifer, outlined in Numbers 19, is a unique commandment involving specific conditions for a red cow without blemish to be sacrificed and its ashes used for purification rituals.

Antisemitic Attitudes in America 2024

Antisemitic Attitudes in America 2024

In the months since the October 7th, 2023, terrorist attack in Israel, the global Jewish community has witnessed an increase in antisemitic activity, unprecedented in recent years. For many in and around Jewish communities, this period has felt inherently different, a sentiment that has raised several critical questions about the current scope, nature, and implications of antisemitism.

To explore this, the ADL Center for Antisemitism Research has collected data since October 7th related to the scale and structure of the phenomenon of antisemitism in the United States and compared results to past findings.

Pastor Mark Biltz: The Solar Eclipse and its prophetic meaning for the US

Pastor Mark Biltz: The Solar Eclipse and its prophetic meaning for the US

While scientists claim to control nature, celestial events like eclipses are well outside the purview of scientists. A solar eclipse in April will transverse North America in April and some Biblical experts are revealing a deeper understanding of the event than secular scientists, leaving them powerless, like Pharaoh’s magicians. With a deep understanding of classical Jewish and Christian sources, Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries lends insights into the upcoming eclipse.

Nights of Hope for Israel with Mosab Hassan Yousef

Nights of Hope for Israel with Mosab Hassan Yousef

Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of the founder of the Hamas terrorist group. He joins us for our Nights of Hope for Israel event at Pursuit Seattle. This is the first time Mosab has spoken to a church in years. He shares with us his story, the trials, and the journey he has endured, making his split from the terror organization to supporting the people of Israel and their fight with Hamas.

Hamas founder's son speaks out against terror group and its '7th century mentality'

Hamas founder's son speaks out against terror group and its '7th century mentality'

The eldest son of Hamas co-founder Hassan Yousef joined "Hannity" from New York on Thursday, speaking out against his father's terrorist organization and their continued attacks on the Israeli people.

Mosab Hassan Yousef said Hamas, while the governing force for the Palestinians, is not a political party but a religious movement waging a holy war."

Mosab Hassan Yousef - Son of Hamas leader becomes a Christian

Mosab Hassan Yousef - Son of Hamas leader becomes a Christian

The son of one of the most revered leaders of the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas has renounced his religion to move to America and become an evangelical Christian. This interview from July 15, 2012, explains the mindset of the Palestinian people and the demonic deception that comes from the spirit of Islam they are subject to. This insight will help us to pray for all who are oppressed and blinded by this false god, that they might be freed from the kingdom of darkness and brought into the marvelous light of Jesus Christ.

Archaeology for "the Star who will come from Jacob"

Archaeology for "the Star who will come from Jacob"

In this video, Joel is in Jordan, exploring the archaeology behind one of the most fascinating prophesies in the Bible. Visiting four sites, Shittim, Bamoth Baal, Pisgah, and Beth Peor, Joel follows the route of the prophet Balaam, who was intent on cursing the Israelites. God, however, compelled Balaam to bless them and to foretell of "the Star who would come from Jacob." (Numbers 24:17).

Does America Have A Role In The Prophetic Battle Of Gog-Magog?

Does America Have A Role In The Prophetic Battle Of Gog-Magog?

This article is written from the teachings on the 3-Disc DVD entitled, Ezekiel 38: When God Defends Israel, the Coming Russian-Iranian Led Invasion of the Promised Land.

The DVD unpacks Ezekiel 38:13 to unmask the mysterious modern-day identities of ancient Tarshish and their young lions, or "villages" in some translations.

Additionally, it examines their specific roles within the prophecy. If Tarshish is the UK and the young lions are partially represented by the USA, then the ramifications for the future of America are staggering!

The Fall High Holy Days and the Feast of Tabernacles

The Fall High Holy Days and the Feast of Tabernacles

Why should I celebrate the feasts in the Old Testament? As Christians, we are eagerly awaiting the return of Christ and should, therefore, seek to understand events pointing to this return. It is impossible to understand God’s festivals (His feasts) and high holy days of the Lord without also knowing God’s Hebrew calendar and His biblical prophecies. These prophetic signs correlate with the Lord’s Hebraic calendar and feast cycles and give us this understanding.

Why Sabbath?

Why Sabbath?

For two Sundays in August and September, the Passion Church in Atlanta will be stepping away from their normal weekend routine and into the rhythm of Sabbath. They realize the idea of NOT MEETING is a little crazy on the surface, but they are guided by a deeper spiritual belief that God intended to weave Sabbath rest into the fabric of creation. They believe that as we cease from our efforts and celebrate again that God is the source of all we have and need, we will experience renewed strength and vision as a House.

Check out the video at the Cumberland Location Pastor Grant Patrick and other Atlanta anchors in their House sit down for a conversation about Sabbath and why it is important. We hope you tune in to hear the heartbeat and truth in finding power in rest.

The Apology

The Apology

In 2009, President Obama signed into law a Congressional apology to acknowledge the damages, wrongs and broken covenants by the United States inflicted upon the Native American people. However, that apology was never publicly acknowledged, something that was disappointing and hurtful to the Native American People. Now, Dr. Negiel Bigpond and Amb. Sam Brownback, who crafted the original legislation, are creating a movement to encourage the White House to publicly and formally acknowledge this apology now. In the first of three episodes, The Apology examines the history of the injustices committed against the Native American people and the apology that was written but has yet to be publicly spoken. We hope you’ll join this movement by signing our appeal to the White House at