The Rapture — House of David Ministries

The Rapture

My wife and I were moving about the land doing the Lord’s work. The earth was dark, and we jumped over many obstacles. Suddenly I looked up and saw a flash of white light from heaven. I knew in my spirit that the rapture was imminent and excited for it to come. Very soon afterward, we began to rise. The Lord was carrying us into the atmosphere. Looking back, I could see the United States and the whole earth were in complete darkness. There were points of light scattered around, and I knew they were Christians. I saw many points of light rise into the heavens.

The experience was powerful. We moved very quickly, yet I did not feel any effects of gravity. We then stopped in front of a giant movie screen. My wife was on my left side. Our son was beside her, and my daughter was asleep under my right arm. There were beautiful images of flowers and other landscape scenes; the colors and clarity were beyond description. I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. We did not enter heaven because I knew the Lord only gave us a glimpse of things to come.
