Jesus Loves Sinners

I was in a room with rather rough-looking men. Most, if not all, were recovering drug addicts. Some were sitting around a half-round or semi-circular U-shaped table, some on the concrete floor, and others standing. A man with a long red beard and long curly red hair was facing eastward from the table and singing a song by Todd Agnew: “My Jesus.” The music is about Christians caught up in worldly things and forgetting that Jesus came for the poor and downtrodden. These Christians have become arrogant, judgmental, and self-righteous.

A relatively small man was propped up against a wall. He was sitting on the floor to the right of the table. A bearded man sitting next to him said: “He is a messiah,” and in my spirit, I knew that he had been freed from drug addiction and transformed into the image of Christ. He stood up and came towards me; my wife was standing behind to my left. I felt the Lord’s overwhelming love for this man and knew he had been forgiven a tremendous sin debt. I looked at my wife, and she began to weep for him. I ran towards him and embraced him in my arms like a brother. God’s love for him was so strong that I could not stop crying.