Bauer, Germany — House of David Ministries

Bauer, Germany

I was sent on an assignment to Bauer, Germany. I had never been there, so I was unsure of how to get there and did not know what to expect. The assignment had something to do with locating the kingdom of the anti-Christ, but there were no specific instructions. I headed to the airport, stopped, and asked a tall German man for directions. He was wearing a dark grey police uniform with a white hat and was very tall and handsome. He politely guided me in the right direction. I proceeded to find my departure terminal but became confused and distracted along the way. My plane was supposed to depart at 3:70 pm. So, I continued searching but eventually awoke from the dream.

When I awoke, I searched an online map for Bauer, Germany. It brought up the City of Munich. I discovered some fascinating facts about this city: Black and gold, the colors of the Holy Roman Empire, have been the city's official colors since the time of Ludwig the Bavarian. About one-third of the population died when the bubonic plague broke out in 1634 and 1635. Munich became a hotbed of extremist politics, among which Adolf Hitler and National Socialism became prominent. The city again became a Nazi stronghold when the National Socialists took power in Germany in 1933. The National Socialist Workers Party created the first concentration camp at Dachau.
