The Earthquake in Many Cities — House of David Ministries

The Earthquake in Many Cities

I worked as an inspector in a city center with many high-rise buildings. There was not any particular building that looked familiar, yet, in my spirit, I knew these buildings represented various cities across our country. There was a strong emphasis on San Francisco for some unknown reason. A small group of us were inspecting a new structure, and the foundation was constructed from large rubber seismic isolators.

As I stared at one of the isolators, I sensed in my spirit that an earthquake was coming. Almost immediately, the foundation began to move slowly from left to right. And then, rapidly, the intensity grew and continued for some time. I ran towards an open area for safety from the falling debris. I could see the tall buildings shaking violently around me, a few beginning to crumble and topple over. When the shaking stopped, I could see that all the buildings had been damaged to one degree or another. Several were destroyed.
