
The Rotating of the Moon

The Rotating of the Moon

These were two dreams. At first, I was standing on a moonlit beach overlooking a calm ocean. Suddenly, what appeared to be a full moon, rotated 180 degrees. Next, I found myself looking at a picture hanging on a wall. In the center was a round plate that looked like a full moon. Suddenly, it rotated 180 degrees. I also remember fragments of war, possibly involving either Israel or the United States.

God is Protecting a Remnant of His People

God is Protecting a Remnant of His People

I was inside the lobby of what appeared to be a government office building. There was a group of men desiring to enter the building. I was suspicious of them, concerned they might blow up or otherwise harm the structure. I was looking for the police chief, so I could have their bags screened. After searching for a while and not finding him, I decided to inspect the people myself. I looked in their small bags and found lime green and red makeup, hair feathers, and other funny costumes. At one point, I saw red makeup smeared on one of the men’s faces. They seemed silly and harmless, so I let them enter the building.

The New Temple

The New Temple

This was a vision from God. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit come upon me. It felt like the hand of God was resting on my body. I looked up to see a white hand. It was motioning for me to come up with him. I saw my hand reach up, and the white hand took mine. Next, I saw flashes of images, gears, and technical drawings of a building resembling a temple. There were several courtyards with steps leading from one to another. Low buildings surrounded the courts and were framed with columns. The surface patterns were very geometric and busy looking. At one point, I focused on a large building in the middle of a courtyard. Low buildings also surrounded this courtyard and were framed with columns. I stared at the image for a while, wondering why the images looked like renderings and not actual pictures.

The New City

The New City

I was a Tel Aviv, Israel bus driver. I began pulling into a newly constructed bus terminal but hesitated over concerns the station might be bombed. A man told me the area had become safe, so I entered. I pulled forward into a parking stall, then backed up to pick up another man who had just arrived. Suddenly the bus I was driving turned into our white minivan. I stepped out around the front and noticed a U.S.A. license plate, then around the back and noticed an ISRAEL plate. The man had arrived with his two kids in a red Toyota Highlander. He needed a ride to visit his family. He did not look Jewish.

The Cry of the Jewish People

The Cry of the Jewish People

I was at an airport terminal. It was dark outside. Many people sat on long rows of benches waiting to board their planes. A young woman wearing a pink jumpsuit was sitting on the floor with her arms wrapped around her knees and her head bent down to hide her face. She screamed hysterically with a piercing high-pitched voice, but no one came to help. I felt drawn to her, so I went over and lifted her. She immediately stopped screaming. As she looked up, I could see her face. It was almost repulsive. Her head was a long and mottled grey color. Her facial features were a peculiar blend between a bird and a woman. She had a long pointed nose and two flat bones protruding a short distance from her nostrils. There was a gentleness about her.

The Empty Building

The Empty Building

I was inside a concrete building, maybe eight or ten stories high. It had a solid appearance. The concrete had a typical grey appearance and had not been painted or covered anywhere in the building. Standing on the top floor looking out of a window, I could see the building surrounded by debris or rubble, possibly from construction or some other calamity. A tall, thin Jewish man was wandering around with a clean-cut beard. But there was also a tall, thin woman walking around.

Judaism — An Empty Box

Judaism — An Empty Box

I was looking down on a stone courtyard that appeared to be in front of the Western Wall in Jerusalem, although it could have been on the temple mount. I then heard the song “Jerusalem of Gold” playing in the background, with no words, just music. As I listened to the song, it confirmed that I was indeed looking at Jerusalem. I felt an overwhelming sense of grief come over me.

The Promised Land

The Promised Land

I was walking into a bunker. The walls were white with posters hanging on them. There were no windows. In the middle of the room was a square table. Standing around it were three or four Jewish men. They had a militant appearance and tone but were wearing civilian clothing. They pointed to papers on the table, possibly a political or militant strategy. They were discussing their right to possession of the land of Israel and were willing to take control at any cost. I had an unsettled feeling about their attitude. Then I heard a small questioning voice saying, "It is not their land to take; it is mine to give.”

"Faith is the Lord"

"Faith is the Lord"

This was a vision from God. I had woken up early and was reading Matthew and Luke in bed, mainly studying the genealogy of Christ. I turned out the light and drifted back to sleep. As I was peering into the darkness, I suddenly saw a small illuminated circle of what appeared to be blue waters. Something was drawing me in, and as I began to press into the circle, I suddenly felt the presence of God come upon me. My emotions held firm, and I saw a blurry image as I broke through.

The Enemy Attacking the Jewish People and the Church

The Enemy Attacking the Jewish People and the Church

I was driving along a country road. It was very dark, with no moon and no other lights anywhere. Suddenly, I came up to a three-way intersection. There appeared to be stop signs on all approaches. I slowed, and as I approached the intersection, the headlights suddenly revealed a dead and badly disfigured male body lying in the middle of the road. As I came a little further, I saw a pile of wreckage and bodies lying off the roadside. It looked as if there had been an accident, yet I could not make out any discernible shape of an automobile. One of the other bodies was female and possibly of Asian descent. I instantly woke in horror and reacted with this statement: “why have you chosen me to reveal these things to me? Why me?”

The Ruins of the Jewish People

The Ruins of the Jewish People

I was walking along a narrow country road. All around were open grass fields with rolling hills in the distance. The terrain was arid, typical California landscape. There was a shallow stream along the roadside, and tall green grasses and small willows were growing along the banks. For some reason, I began cutting the green grasses with a weed whacker. As I was doing so, I was thinking about God.