Apostolic Succession

Organization and Leadership of The Church

Organization and Leadership of The Church

There has recently been a resurgence in the study of the early church, comparing it to how the church is structured and organized today. However, early Christians did not have denominations, documented theology, or church buildings. The New Testament would not be entirely written for almost a century or canonized for another four hundred years. During the first three centuries, Christians gathered in homes, and many remained connected with their synagogues and assembled at the Temple in Jerusalem before it was destroyed.

Judaizers and Gentilizers

Judaizers and Gentilizers

It can be arguably said that the Apostle Paul might be one of the most misunderstood characters in the Bible. He is considered one of the chief builders of the early church and most significant purveyor of the gospel to the Gentiles. And yet, it was Christ’s apostle, Peter who is considered Rome’s first monarchical bishop. From him, and by one-man, apostolic succession (monarchical episcopacy) was presumed to continue through every church generation.