The church's primary mission is to preach the Gospel, make disciples who will preach the Gospel, and make more disciples. This is the “great commission.” However, making disciples has an objective: to bring people into the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God are used more than one hundred times in the New Testament. The book of Matthew uses the terms “Kingdom of Heaven” and “Kingdom of God” interchangeably. The other three gospels use the term “Kingdom of God” exclusively. The Hebrew word for “heaven” is shamayim, which the Jewish people used as a circumlocution (substitute) for the name of God. So, the Kingdom of Heaven is also a reference to the Kingdom of God—they are the same.
Entering The Kingdom
The arrival of the Messiah and His death and resurrection is unquestionably the most significant event in human history. Jesus-Yeshua, the Son of God, was born of a woman conceived by the Holy Spirit. He lived a perfect and sinless life, and in God’s time, He gave His life to atone for the sins of humanity.
Our Civic Responsibility From a Biblical Perspective
Yeshua told us: “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” (John 18:36). What a powerful statement. If Yeshua’s Kingdom is not of this world, then ours is not either.
Justice, Kindness, and Truth
Yeshua said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6). Yeshua is the way to eternal life. That is clear. But what is the truth? Pontius Pilot, the governor of the Roman province of Judaea, asked Jesus the same question.
The Gospel of The Kingdom
I never expected to write about the gospel. And yet, I find myself needing to clarify the biblical gospel in the light of a rising movement, even within the church, trying to redefine what the Bible says about this subject.
If you search on the internet, you will quickly discover some of the many other gospels out there. There is a social gospel, also called social constructivism. There is the gospel of science, Christian humanism, and list goes on and on.
The Root of Replacement Theology
I remember the day so clearly, sitting on my living room couch and holding an Old King James Bible in my hand. I was determined to discover the truth contained within. I very much believed in the one true God of Israel. So I said to Him, “I need to know the truth.” I had no concept of the Holy Spirit speaking to me, but somehow asking God to show me His truth made sense. As I started to read the book of Matthew, there was clarity and focus to the narrative. The story came to life, and remarkably the old English language was perfectly decipherable.
Freeing Lost Souls from Darkness
The Lord has shown me that we are a generation that will prepare the earth for His return. There will be great trials but also a harvest. Although we may not see it now, what we sow in the Spirit of our heavenly Father will have an eternal purpose and build a foundation of righteousness upon which Christ will establish His eternal kingdom. We are merely forerunners and messengers and must remember that it is His kingdom, and He will create it.