
The Doctrine of Scripture

The Doctrine of Scripture

From the beginning, God has desired to make Himself known to His creation. God is Spirit and cannot be seen, and his transcendence is beyond our imagination. However, His imminence brings Him so close that He purposefully dwells within His children. Thus, He has chosen to reveal Himself both in the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. These two are one and co-equal with the Father, yet they each reveal different aspects of God.

Knowing the Will of God

Knowing the Will of God

I often hear Christians talk about following the Will of God over the Will of man. It’s a strange word, often used to express someone’s futurity about their express desire.[i] Sometimes I feel like I’m in a wrestling match with God— “I want to buy that new sports car. No, you can’t have it.”

In this context, God’s Will appears arbitrary and maybe even selfishly motivated. Is He the grand arbitrator up in the sky? My response to the car question: “Why can’t I have it?” “Because I said so. Next question, please?”