
Ordinances of The Church

Ordinances of The Church

The ordinances of the church also called sacraments, are outward rites and symbolic observances given by Jesus and are considered outward signs of the inward work of the Holy Spirit in our born-again and ongoing regenerative experience. The term “ordinance” comes from the Latin ordo, meaning “row” or “order,” and by this etymology, it also means “an authoritative decree or direction.” Sacrament originally meant “an oath of allegiance” and was taken similarly by newly enlisted soldiers.

Where Did the Oil Go?

Where Did the Oil Go?

I was invited to lead a Saturday morning consecration service at an African-American church in northeastern Washington, D.C. The church meets inside a converted small colonial white house perched on a street corner across from a local market. This is an established working-class neighborhood surrounded by government housing projects. The pastor and the congregation are spirit-filled and deeply hungry for their Hebraic roots.